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Gallery » Snow » Video » Kevin Pearce Gets Back on his Snowboard Again
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Kevin Pearce Gets Back on his Snowboard Again
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Da: SurfReport
Mercoledì 14 Dicembre 2011
Numero di visite: 5317
Numero di voti: 347
Votazione media: 9.95389

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DescrizioneKevin Pearce Gets Back on his Snowboard Again » Burton Snowboards is proud to congratulate Burton team rider Kevin Pearce on his first day back on a snowboard since he suffered a traumatic brain injury while training for the Olympics in 2009. Kevin has been a part of the Burton family for years, receiving his first snowboard from Jake Burton himself back when he was just five years old. In 2004, Kevin earned his first official sponsorship with Burton Snowboards after a Burton team manager was impressed with his riding during summer camp at Mt. Hood. From that point on, Kevin started showing up on podiums everywhere, with career highlights like consecutive Arctic Challenge victories, a pair of Air &Style wins, multiple X Games medals and back-to-back European Open wins. Everything changed in an instant when Kevin suffered a traumatic brain injury while attempting a Cab double cork during a halfpipe training session on December 31, 2009. Since then, Kevin has spent nearly two years putting all his energy into rehab, re-learning things we all take for granted like eating, walking, talking, balancing and seeing. Until recently, Kevin didn't know if he would ever be able to snowboard again. So when he got the green light from his doctors it was a dream come true, and everything came together yesterday as he strapped on his board for the first time since the accident. Jake Burton was honored to join Kevin for his inaugural runs at Vail yesterday, before Kevin headed to Breckenridge to ride with friends and fans. "To get to ...


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